Volunteer Agreement and Code of Conduct
Our most essential resources are our dedicated volunteers. You play a particularly important part in executing the work of the Community Centre. We aim to provide fulfilling opportunities and are grateful to our volunteers. We appreciate all you do to make the Centre an inviting and welcoming space.
By adding your name to this document you agree to:
~ Fulfill your role in a safe and efficient way and act in line with the purpose and values of the Kingsville Community Centre to enhance the work we do.
~ Direct any questions regarding the Kingsville Community Centre's policies, procedures, practices and programs to the Executive Director or Program Director.
~ Seek authorisation before communicating externally on behalf of the Kingsville Community Centre and bring the Centre into disrepute (through email, social media etc.).
~ Act honestly, responsibly and with integrity, treating others with fairness, dignity and respect.
~ Raise concerns of wrongdoing witnessed with the Executive Director or Program Director.
~ Meet time and task commitments and, unless an emergency, provide 48 hours notice when you are not available so alternative arrangements can be made. Email to the Program Director is preferred: admin@kingsvillecentre.com.
~ Observe safety procedures, keeping the health and welfare of other people in mind.
~ Report any health and safety concerns to the Execuritve or Program Director.
~ Disclose the fact if you have been charged with, or convicted of a criminal offense by prosecuting authorities and not engage in illegal activity while carrying out your role. Provide a vulnerable sector police record check when required.
~ Not seek or accept any gifts, rewards, benefits or hospitality in the course of your volunteer work.
~ Keep confidential matters confidential and not improperly disclose confidential information gained in the course of your role. Refrain from gossip or discussing info about the Centre participants with others.
~ Follow any other policies or procedures, instructions or directions reasonably given.
Where a volunteer is found to be in breach of the standards outlined here or any of the Kingsville Community Centre's other policies and procedures this may result in the volunteer's position being terminated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, volunteers should note that Kingsville Community Centre may terminte a volunteer's position without cause.
Volunteers acknowledge that no employment relationship is created in the context of your role with Kingsville Community Centre.
The Board of Directors will review the Volunteer Agreement and Code of Conduct for volunteers at 3-year intervals or as appropriate.
By providing my name below, I hereby acknowledge and accept the terms of the Volunteer Agreement and Code of Conduct.